Varus' alternate skins include Blight Crystal Varus, Arclight Varus, Arctic Ops Varus, Heartseeker Varus, Swiftbolt Varus, Dark Star Varus, Conqueror Varus, Infernal Varus, Cosmic Hunter Varus, PROJECT: Varus, High Noon Varus, and Snow Moon Varus. The tendril then spreads to nearby unnaffected enemy champions, applying the same effects to them and continuing to spread until it runs out of targets.

His ultimate ability, Chain of Corruption, flings a black tendril in a target direction, damaging, immobilizing and applying three Blight stacks to the first enemy champion it hits.With his third ability, Hail of Arrows, Varus fires a volley of arrows at a target location, damaging enemies inside and cursing the ground there for a few seconds, slowing and reducing healing on enemies inside it.In addition, Blighted Quiver can be activated to enhance Varus' next Piercing Arrow, causing it to deal bonus damage to enemies it hits based on their missing health. Varus' other abilities consume all stacks of Blight on enemies they hit, dealing damage based on the target's max health and reducing his basic abilities' cooldowns for each stack consumed. His second ability, Blighted Quiver, passively makes Varus' basic attacks deal bonus damage and briefly apply Blight to his target, stacking up to three times.When the ability is reactivated he fires a powerful arrow in a target direction that damages enemies in its path, with the range and damage of the arrow increasing the longer he charged it. With his first ability, Piercing Arrow, Varus starts charging-up an arrow for a few seconds, moving at reduced speed.His passive, Living Vengeance, increases Varus' attack speed for a few seconds when he kills a minion or monster, and double that bonus if he kills or helps kill an enemy champion.Varus is a Marksman/Artillery Mage hybrid champion with strong poke, crowd-control and sustained damage, as long as he can land both abilities and basic attacks on his enemies. Varus now seeks out those who trapped him, in order to enact his brutal vengeance, but the mortal souls within still resist him every step of the way. He was imprisoned at the end of the Great Darkin War, but escaped centuries later in the remade flesh of two Ionian hunters-they had unwittingly released him, cursed to bear the bow containing his bound essence. One of the ancient Darkin, Varus was a deadly killer who loved to torment his foes, driving them almost to insanity before delivering the killing arrow.